The great war about the power of chaos started everyone wants this power but Alayiaa chooses people to guard it they called themselves the counter guardians. Eilert is one of them but he can face the 7 grand servants.
- Truth and nightmare
- The awakening
- The Gathering Storm
- The Battle of Ruined City
- Two friends meet
- Angra Maniyuu
- Meet of the titans
- The Veil of Betrayal
- Awakening the King's Blade
- The Dark Philosoph Stone
- Fight against a friend
- The Forbidden Castle
- redemption
- Chaos and king of hell
- Ripples of desolation
- The Hunters of the Night
- Dreams Shattered
- The Confrontation
- Redemption's Path
- Battle with the Immortal Crocodile
- Quest in the Ruins of Gor’vath
- Clash with the Shadow Syndicate
- Break the Seal of Solomon
- The Clash of Fates
- The Awakening of Shadows
- Shadows and Light
- The Council of Kings